The Blue-Files IV by Sarah 9:00 am the Doyle/ McKinley residence. "Who's on tonight?" Maggie asked Dash as she was about to leave the house they shared. "How on earth would I know I haven't been there for 3 weeks," Dash replied angrily. "If only a miraculous cure would come along!" Dash sighed. "Well I guess that's not going to happen. Well at least not while I'm alive." "Oh cheer up Dash of course a cure will come along, a main character in a popular TV wouldn't die unless the audience knew about it" Maggie smiled sweetly at Dash. "Your always right Maggie, thanks Maggie" Dash smiled at Maggie. Well you'd better go to work now Mags or we'll both be useless." "You're not useless Dash." "It's just I get bored at home." "Tell you what... I'll get the real PJ..." "But you don't know which one is the real one." "Of course I do, you don't think I wouldn't be able to tell which one is my husband do you?" "Well that IS what it appeared to look like." "No... you see (slowly picking the best words) well... I'd had a few beers... and I got a bit tired so I took Patty home and well... PJ was at home." "That's not possible. He was at the Pub with that Mulder guy and his partner Scully." "That's it they were so drunk after all those 'Fosters' that they couldn't actually tell that they where all impersonators. The real PJ was tied up at home waiting for Patty and me to rescue him." "B...b...but" "Well you know how there where twins name Eddie and Eddie who pretended to be PJ?" "Yeah?????????????" "Well there where actually triplets." Dash gasped. "But why did you visit them in jail?" "I felt sorry for the FBI agents and thought I'd better go along with their story. Didn't you think it was weird that a PJ turned up for work the day after they where jailed." "I never thought of it." "Well I'd better be going hadn't I?" "Definitely." "Well cya." "Bye." Meanwhile somewhere about two streets away two suspicious looking men where walking down the street. "Any sign of Maggie yet?" One of them asked. "Nope. You?" The other one asked. "Uh-uh." "What are we going to do PJ?" "I don't know. But I'm starting to get worried about her." "Oh no... maybe Dash is sick." "Don't worry Adam I'm sure she'll be OK." The two suspicious looking men continued walking. One holding a baton. They glared down at their watches. "She's late." "Come on lets go and her." "She may take our time but she's never make me late." "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh," Adam and PJ went charging towards the street where Maggie and Dash live. Batons swinging in front of them. Meanwhile... "Ohh crap my car won't start." "What's wrong Mags?" Dash asked coming out of the house looking concerned. "My car won't start. What am I going to do?" "You can ride my bike." "I don't think I'd make it." Sounding worried. "Don't worry it's only a short way. We know we only live just around the corner and the station is right next to Goldmark." "I guess..." Maggie was unwilling to strain her legs on the bike. "Auuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh," Around the corner came PJ and Adam. "We've come to reclaim your dignity and save you from being late to work." "Why... (Maggie fell into PJ's arms) thankyou PJ." "Hey!!! What about me??????" Adam asked upset, "Nobody cares about me!" "I care about you Adam." Dash piped in. "You do?????????????????????????" Adam, PJ and Maggie asked at the same time. "Hey what's wrong with that?" "Well it just wasn't expected" Maggie choked out. "It wasn't?" "No, I thought you liked Nick" Adam said. "What????????????????????????????????????????? Whatever gave you that idea??????" "PJ did." Adam answered simply. Dash turns her gaze to PJ. "Well?" "Well... I... we're going to be late... bye," PJ went rushing off towards the station. "What a coward." Maggie went rushing off after PJ. "I guess you'll be going as well then???" "Well... I've got this afternoon off so I'll be back then." "Okay, see you then." Dash walked slowly back inside the house. Meanwhile... Back at Mount Thomas Police Station "I've got it. I'll write a cookbook for alien's. Yes. It'll be a great success. Yes I'll get heaps more money and Zoe will marry me again and this time I won't forget her in Paris when she doesn't even know french." Nick quickly scribbled his idea down in his notebook. "Damn," Nick put his pencil back down, "Boss." "Look what is it Nick this is a bad time. Dash has got cancer, Adam, Maggie and PJ haven't even decided to turn up yet and now I bet you've got to go. "Right?" "Well..." "Where do you have to go?" Tom grumbled. "Well you know how my writing career skyrocketed after my last book?" "Yeah??????????????????" Tom answered not knowing what the point was. "So I've being asked to sign books at the local library today and I forgot." "You forgot?????????????????????" "Well I've got another idea for a book. It's called 'The Aliens Cookbook' and so I was so busy thinking about that.." "What about work?" "What...(Nick looks puzzled) anyway I'm supposed to be there at 9:15 and that's only in 3 minutes. If I'm going to go I have to go now." "Fine, just get out of my sight before I change my mind." "I'm going." Same location 1/2 a minute later. The door swings open and Maggie and PJ enter. "Oh no, I forgot to ask Dash to look after Patty. You left so early this morning so you couldn't ask her and I'm not used to asking her." "Don't you think she'll be used to looking after her by now?" PJ asked logically. "She probably will hear her screaming even if she doesn't remember about her." Maggie said smiling. "Good thinking Mags." "Thanks Pat". PJ and Maggie smile at each other. "Would you too please stop staring at each other and do some work. Please??????????????????" Different location 1/2 minute later. "But Scully, we're going to miss it." Mulder whined. "Who cares Mulder." "But Scully." Mulder whined. "Fine. Let's go then." "Now we're probably going to miss our plane." "Stop whining Mulder, you sound like a baby." "Come on we have to hurry!" "Don't worry Mulder." "Oh, it's starting." "Come on at least we're already in Sydney it won't take as long now." "Ohh." Another different location 1 second later. "We'd like to welcome Nick Shultz here the world famous romance writer He will now sign books." "Can you sign mine Nick?" "Sure Macka." "Say hi to Dash for me k?" "Sure. Do you like my books?" "Well I actually haven't read any but I thought I'd get your signature because I know you're famous. Well see ya later." One hour later Same location "Finally we're here Scully. I have to find Mr Shultz and have a serious discussion with him about where he thinks the aliens base is." "Sure Mulder, go ahead." Scully wandered over to the biology side of the library the read up on the important studies of biology. "Hello, Mr Shultz. How are you. I hear the PJ business has all been cleared up?" "Yes, it has." "You do remember me don't you?" "Of course I do. You're Mr..." "Mulder." "Mulder of course I just had a mental blank." "So where exactly do you think that the alien base is?" "Well actually I think that there is a little alien in each of us." "Really, wow that's a totally view to most people I know... especially Scully... she believes it's all in my mind. All in my mind she says all in my mind, but how would she know?" "Maybe she's an alien as well... maybe you two are both aliens. Of the same kind. From the same original place." "Wow, you amaze me Mr Schultz." "Please call me Nick." "Ok... Nick." "Oh... I just got another idea." "For what your next book?" "I already have the name of the book and the main plot but I just got the name for the main character." "Really, what is it?" "Racheale Halitye." "Really?" "Yeah." "Do you want an autograph?" "Wow, really?" "Sure, no problem." "Wow, can you write to Mulder?" "Sure, here you go." "Thanks, I'll treasure it for ever. Mulder held the signed card to his heart. "Thanks, and goodbye for now." "Farewell my fair man." Nick said then wrote down it in case it was needed for a book. Scully wandered back over towards Mulder with 3 books in her hands. "Did you ask him?" "Yeah, he had a very original attitude of where the aliens actually come from, he said that there are actually aliens inside of all of us." "Really?" Scully asked yawning. "Yeah and he thinks that the aliens surface in some people and that's how aliens are formed." "Really?" Scully asked yawning. "Yeah and I also got an autographed photograph of him. It says 'To Mulder my great friend from Nick Schultz'. Can you believe that?" "Great Mulder. Oh, look over there. Is that Maggie, PJ and little Patty?" "Yeah it is. Maggie? Maggie?" "Oh, hi. Didn't know you were in the country." "We arrived yesterday." "Oh, really?" "Yeah, 12:00 flight. It was actually on time." "Really? That's the first time isn't it?" "Definitely." "Patty say hello to Mulder and Scully." Her Mummy commanded. Patty waved to Mulder and Scully and grinned at them. "Ohhh, you've grown up haven't you? Yes you have, yes you have." "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhh," Patty wailed. "What's wrong my Patty Watty?" Maggie asked concerned. "Lucky I didn't leave you at home my pumpkin otherwise Dash would have to put up with all your screaming." "Look, can't you shut her up or something?" PJ asked as he joined them. "She doesn't seem to need a new nappy, and she's not hungry, what could be wrong." "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggh," Patty wailed. "What is it now Mags?" PJ asked. "Oh, she's wet I'll go and change her nappy." Maggie left to look tor the nearest laddies toiled in the library. "Did you now PJ that Nick is a very intelligent man?" Mulder took the chance to talk about his new friend to his new friends friend. "Really?" PJ asked looking shocked. "Look Mulder I'm going to go borrow these books then I'll go and see how Patty and Maggie are going," Scully said. "Sure Scully, go ahead," barely noticing her going, "have you heard his views on aliens?" "Aliens? What? Yeah right he doesn't know a thing about aliens." "What? Have you read his books?" "Well, I haven't had time recently..." "That's why you think he knows nothing on the topic of aliens. In fact he's one of the my intellectual alien believers around the world. His explanation of where the base of alien life is VERY sophisticated." "What? Nick? (getting very confused)" "Yes an incredible genious." "I never noticed. Oh Mags and Patty are over there, I better be going now ot Tom will chuck a spaza. Maggie told him it was esential that she went home or else little Patty might be in danger. Then I told him that I was following up a case and I'd be back soon. I guess I'd better go now because I left poor Adam ALONE with Tom." "Oh no, poor Adam." "Well I gotta go then. Nice seeing you again." "Yes. Bye." PJ hurriedly exited the library passing Maggie, Scully and Patty on there way. "Can't leave Adam alone with Tom any longer." "Oh, hurry, hurry." Scully and Maggie begged. "I'll hurry all right." PJ went running out of the library at top speed. Maggie, Patty and Scully rejoined Mulder. "So, do you two want to come over to Dash and my place for dinner tonight? Dash could use some cheering up. Will you come?" "What's for dinner?" "Mulder don't be rude." Scully scolded him. "Sorry, Scully." Mulder's head was down with shame. "Would you like to come? PJ, Dash, Patty and I will be there." "Ok, we'll fly back tomorrow instead then." "Can you tell me what we're having for dinner? Pulease?" "Mulder!" "Sorry Scully." "It's a secret sorry Mulder. See you tonight." "What's the address?" Maggie gave them the address then left. "That Patty is adorable isn't see?" "Yeah," Mulder answered without paying much attention. "Well that should be good tonight." "Yep." Meanwhile... Back at the Station "Ring, ring. Ring, ring." "Hello, Mount Thomas Police Station Constable Cooper speaking. Ok... yep... we'll get some one over there soon... ok... bye." "Umm... Boss?" "Yes Cooper?" "A wallet's been reported stolen at the High School." "Oh, my. Things are not what they used to be in my time. Get over there soon..." PJ enters the station. "Fill PJ in and both of you go over there. Call me if you need backup." "Sure thing Boss. Come on PJ." Mount Thomas High School "So what exactly happened?" PJ asked the pricipal of the High School. "Well the victim of this incident was in Science and her bag was outside." The principal grimaced remembering te moment. "And then when the bell rang she went out of class and looked at her bag and... it was open and the wallet was missing." "How much was in it?" "$2:00, as well as her bus pass and library card. I just believe it." "What's the students name?" "Jeri." "Can we get her to make a statement and come down to the station for a interview?" "Sure." 1 minute later different location Mount Thomas Police Station "Now Jeri can you tell me when you last saw your wallet?" "In my bag in the morning." "Don't you think it would have been better taking your wallet into class?" "We're not allowed to, cause if we have a test they think we have the answers inside." "So you usually leave it in your bag?" "Yep." "Do you know anyone else who had something stolen either at the same time or another time?" Jeri was thoughtfull for a moment. "N-no." "Look Jeri we think you're lying to us we know someone elses wallet was stolen." "Did she come and tell you?" "What's her name?" "Amy." "Was hers stolen at the same time as yours?" "Yes." "Thankyou for your time you've been a great help." 1/2 a minute later Tom's office "Well you could tell she was lying about her being the only person who had her wallet stolen." "Well what can we do?" "You now what Boss?" "What Adam?" "Well PJ saw those FBI agents at the library. Apparently Mulder's favourite book is Nick's. So they know a lot about what children think so we could ask them." "As long as they don't come anywhere near my office." "Sure. Do you won't me to contact them straight away?" "Get onto them quickly. And if we can't find the thief we might have to contact Search and Rescue and get them to come and find all the wallets. We also might have to call in St David's and get some officers to come over and help." "Well we'll take it one step at a time. I'd like to hear the interview tape and see her statement." "Sure thing." Meanwhile... The Pub "Can I have a Foster?" "Sure thing." "Want one Scully?" "Yea sure thanks." "Your those FBI agents that where here that other time weren't you?" "Yep, you're Chris Riley aren't you?" "Sure am." "Caught any more Eddie's reently?" "Not recently... but we've been on holidays for a little while." "Oh... I get it." "Well... (Scully clears her throat) don't tell anyone okay? Not even our Boss nows. We tod him we wee on a case." Mulder and Scully giggled together. "Well call me if you want another glass of beer." "You mean another Forster?" "In Australia we call Foster's beers." "Really??" "Yeah. What do you call them?" "Beer." "Well... you see Chris... we were told that you 'Aussies' call beer fosters." "Oh... you see a Foster is a brand of beer." "Really? Well we're learning lots of little things on our trips over here aren't we Scully?" "Sure Mulder." "Can we have 2 more 'BEERS' please?" "Sure." "Can you believe that Scully? They actually call beer beer." "Congratulations Mulder." "But Scully... this is amazing. The whole of the American community believes that Aussies say Foster. I can't believe it. Don't you understand what this means Scully?" Scully touches his arm. "I understand Mulder." *Authors sister is now freaking out in the background because Scully has touched Mulder's arm (she's a super shipper)* "Come on Mulder let's have a game of darts." "Sure thing Scully." The Doyle/McKinley Residence "What can I do????? I am bored. What can I do??????" Dash got up of the couch to make herself a cup of hot chocolate. "Dash?" "Hi Mags. Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Did you really think that I liked Nick??" "Umm... well... anyway I have to go back to the station. Can you look after Patty again for me?" "Sure. Hello Patty." "And also, we're having Mulder and Scully over for dinner. Can you cook something for desert?" "Fine, you invite peope over and make me cook the food for them." "Thanks, I'd better go." "Fine, leave me alone again. Come on Patty. Do you want some hot chocolate?" Patty smiled up at Dash. "Want a marshmellow in it? Gives it extra taste?" Patty smiled up at Dash again. "Here you go Patty. Don't drink it yet it's too hot. Here's a marshmello. Mmm smells nice doesn't it? Here you go take a sip. Yummy?" Patty giggled as the warm chocolate rolled down her face. Mount Thomas Police Station "Thanks for coming in Mulder and Scully." PJ said "Sure thing." Scully answered. PJ and Adam escorted them into his office. 1/2 hour later Mulder and Scully had a clear picture of what had happened and were already thinking of a way to solve the mystery. "We'd like to talk to the girl." Scully said. "Sure, we'll get her in." meanwhile... At the local library. "Not much longer." Nick said refering to the time he still had to sit and sign pictures of himself. "Hmmm... nobodys here now I can write part of my new book." Nick took out his notepad. "Hmm... Racheale Halitye and Antonia Urtynam are fighting for the one alien Bill Smith. But Racheale Halitye is married to another alien Joe Bloggs and Antonia Urtynam is married to a human Josepheow Kpowertb . Then Bill Smith will think of ways to cook Znygweb Qpobvx because he is secretly in love with Daphealiea Werty who is married to Znygweb Qpobvx. But Znygweb Qpobvx secretly loves Racheale Halitye. Hmmm.. maybe a bit confusing but... Oh hello would you like an autograph? Here you go." Mount Thomas Police Station "So Jeri, why did you pretend your wallet was stolen." "What?" "Your wallet wasn't really stolen was it?" "I thought it was in the first place..." "But...?" "But then I found it and I thought I mind get reembursed my money and get twice as much as I actually had. I'm sorry." "That's OK, I would have done the same thing, wouldn't you have Scully?" "Mulder that's stealing." "I'm sorry I caused so much trouble." "That's OK." "What about the interview tape?" "Don't worry, I'll destroy it." "Mulder you can't do that!" "I already have." "Mulder!" "Sorry Scully." Mulder put his head down shamefully. "Bye." "Bye." The Doyle/McKinley residence "Ring ring. Ring ring." "Not again." This was the 4th time Maggie had rung up to find out how Patty and Dash were going. "Hello? Take her for a walk? What do you mean good for her? Ok. Bye." Dash turned around and looked at Patty. "Your Mummy just rung and she wants me to take you for a walk." Patty frowned. Dash grabbed the stroller and said, "Come on Patty, it's a lovely day. We'll go to the park and have chinese for lunch. How does that sound?" Patty smiled. Dash wheeled Patty out the door. "This will do me some good as well." Back to the Library... "Nick you can go now. I think all the people have got your autograph now." '"Actually I might stay here and write my next book. It's nice and peaceful." "As peaceful as a summers day. That's what they say isn't it?" "Yes," Nick said memorizing the phrase. "Thanks." "Sure thing." "Bye, or by the way... can I have your autograph?" "Sure, here you go." "Thanks, bye." "Bye." As soon as the librarian had left Nick pulled out his notebook. "But Antonia... you have to stay." "I'm sorry Josepheow it's just it's too noisy here for me to work." "But Antonia here it's as peaceful as a summers day." "Josepheow, I was in love with you but... now... I want a divorce." She sobbed. "It's that alien isn't it?" "No." "I can tell you're lying. I'm going to join Znygweb and make up an aliens cookbook. The best ways to fry, roast, toast, bake aliens. We're going to kill Bill Smith before he gets a chance to kill us." "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Antonia cried. Nick paused. "Hmmm... very dramatic. Definitley a best seller." "Excuse me?" A voice asked interupting Nick's train of thought. Nick looked up... "Zoe???" "Nick... I'm so sorry.I forgive you for leaving me behind in Paris. You had a story to write. And I was under a lot of presure being the wife of a romance writer and I was stressed, but that isnt'a excuse butI was upset I shouldn't have divorced you but will you... marry me again? I know it's a lot to ask but... I bought you a gift to show you how much I care." Zoe produced a book. "It's the brand new Danielle Steel book out. It's supposed to be the best one ever writen." Nick stared at Zoe in awe. "Thanks Zo." "Will you marry me again Nicki?" "Aw, sure Zo." The footpaths of Mount Thomas "Which way do you want to turn Patty? Right or left? Well Right takes you to where Mummy is..." Patty frowned. "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh." "You don't want to go that way? Or do you want to go to the left which is the way to the park?" Patty stopped howling and smiled at Dash. "I think you want to go to the park." "Here we are. Do you want to go on the slide?" Patty smiled at Dash. "Is that a yes? Ok, we'll go on it together." Dash took Patty out of her stroller and climber up to the top of the stairs. "Ooo, look at that we're high up aren't we?" Patty giggled. "Ready? Weee." Dash and Patty slid down the slide. "Was that fun?" Patty giggled. "Wanna go again?" Patty giggled again. 3 times later Dash was looking exausted and Patty looking dirty. "We've got to go home now and cook a pav." Patty's smile faded. "I'll let you lick the beaters." Patty's smile appeared again. Mount Thomas Police Station "Thanks for your help," Adam said "That's ok," Mulder said. "Bye." "Bye." Mulder and Scully answered. "Umm... Boss?" "What is it Cooper." "Can I have the afternoon off?" "What???" "I have some business to do and also I want to visit Dash and see how she is." "Fine. Now get out of my sight." The Doyle/McKinley Residence "Let's get the ingredients out shall we. What do we need? Ummm." "Hello?" "Hi Adam. Come in." "Thanks." "Want to help Patty and I cook a pav?" "Sure, I love cooking." "Really?" "Yeah." "Patty and I were about to start getting the ingredients out. Can you help Patty get out some of them?" "Sure. Come on Patty." 1 hour later the pav was in the oven. "Looks great doesn't it Patty?" Adam asked. Patty smiled up at both Adam and Dash. "Sure does," Dash answered. "I told Tom I had important business I had to do and I was going to visit you." "Tell you what, since Maggie's been inviting people over without asking me do you want to join Patty, PJ, Maggie, Mulder, Scully and me tonight for dinner? That's why we had to cook the pav. She told me this morning. Can you believe that? Well do you want to join us? It'll make me happy." "Auuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhh," Patty wailed protesting her name hadn't been mentioned. "You'll make both Patty and me happy." Patty stopped crying and smiled. "Will you?" "Sure." "What time is it at?" Dash shrugged. "I don't know. I was only told a few hours ago. Just stay here now and you won't have to worry about when you have to go." "Ok, sure. You don't think Maggie will mind?" "Who cares?" "Good point." 2 hours later. Same location "Dash?" "Yea what is it Mags?" "Um... what's Adam doing here?" "I invited him to stay for dinner." "Why?" "Why not?" "Never mind. They'll be here soon. Did you cook the pav?" "Yep, Adam and Patty helped me." "Adam?" "Yep, he's a great cook." "Can't imagine that." "Why?" "Oh... well you can imagine something like that from Nick but from Adam? He's just not that kind of person." "You don't think so? How well do you know Adam?" "Not that well." "I didn't either. But I know a lot more about him now." "Really, here are the guests. Hello Mulder, hi Scully." "Hi." "Thanks for coming." "Adam's here as well. He's playing with Patty in the living room." "Really? I didn't know he was coming." "Well he came over to help me make the pav." "The what?" Both Mulder and Scully asked at the same time. "The pav." Dash replyed looking confused, "Don't you know what they are?" Both Mulder and Scully shook their heads. "I can't believe this... Adam?? Adam come here." "Yeah? Oh, hi Scully hi Mulder. What is it Dash?" "Can you believe these two don't know what a pav is?" "That's not possible." "What about the other names people call it?" "Good idea Maggie. What about fruit and cream meringue? (Both Mulder and Scully shake their heads) Umm... what else are they called?" "What about a fruit/cream puff?" Adam suggested. (Both Mulder and Scully shake their heads) "You guys, even I don't know what fruit/cream puff or a fruit and cream meringue is," Maggie said, "Do you know what they are PJ?" "Never heard of them. I only know that they are called pavs or pavlova's." "A pavlova?" Mulder and Scully asked. "Yeah." "Why didn't you just say that in the first place. We know what pavlovas are." "You do?" "Of course." "Oh." The next day... "Dash, PJ and I have decided to go on a holiday so we've decided to ask you to mind Patty when we go." "Sure. Patty and I have great fun together. I'll get Adam to come over... you don't mind if he uses your room do you?" "No, that's fine." "Good, then he can help me cook and look after Patty. Patty smiled. So what do you think? E-mail me and tell me.